Check out the top ten things you can do to make yourself more employable.
#1 Improve your knowledge
The wisest people are those that never stop learning – those that are never too arrogant to believe they know it all. If you’re in the market for a job but are still on the shelf then it’s time to go back to school, whether it’s a short course, an apprenticeship or part-time education, it all counts towards making you more awesome and more employable. All new skills tend to have the ability to open doors in your chosen career path.
#2 Get more experience
You could have tens of years’ experience in your field or be new to the game but either way, more experience is always going to be better than less. So think outside the box, if you’re new to the job market, seek out for junior positions and internships, if you’re a veteran then gain experience that’s outside your comfort zone. It shows that you’re proactive and willing to go above and beyond.