Saturday, November 22, 2008

Career Opportunities at CPD

Research Associate / Programme Associate

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), a leading civil society think-tank in South Asia, is planning to recruit a number of qualified professionals who are interested to pursue an intellectually challenging career that demands commitment, initiative and creativity.

Research Associate

The ideal candidate will have a Post Graduate/Masters degree in one of the Social Science disciplines including Economics, International Relations, Public Administration, Finance, Business Administration and Statistics. Four first divisions/class in relevant subject or a minimum CGPA of 3.75 is required which can be relaxed in case of foreign Masters Degree/publication in a recognised journal/specialised job experience. S/he will work as a member of the core research team at CPD. Gross s alary is in the range of Tk. 18,000-25,000 per month and other admissible benefits. The candidate must have g ood analytical ability, excellent drafting skill in both Bangla and English, strong communication skill and high computer literacy.

Programme Associate (Project Based)

The candidate will have a Masters degree in Economics, International Relations, Business Administration, Public Administration and Statistics with at least three first classes or a minimum CGPA of 3.5. S/he will work as a member of research/dialogue team of CPD. CPD will offer a consolidated remuneration of Tk. 15,000 per month for this position.

Selected candidates will be provided upto 12 months contract. Based on the performance, s/he may be offered a Research Associate position or his/her contract period may be extended.

For both positions, s/he should have an ability and willingness to work under pressure in a highly competitive environment. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a written test to be followed by an interview. Interested candidates should provide their resume and a photograph by post, fax or electronic mail by Sunday, 30 November 2008.

Contact Address: CPD, GPO Box 2129, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
Fax: (880 2) 9135269; E-mail:; Website:

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